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Reddit Ban Appeal

Ban Appeal Process for Reddit

Appealing an Incorrect Ban

If you believe your ban was a mistake and did not violate any rules, you can file an appeal within six months of receiving the ban.

Appeal Process for Government Restriction

If your content has been restricted due to a government report, you can appeal Reddit's decision using the provided form.

Enforcement Actions Based on Violation Severity and History

The severity of the violation and your previous violation history will influence the enforcement action taken.

How to Appeal a Permanent Ban

As a community moderator, you may encounter users appealing permanent bans. Here is a guide to help:

  • Review the appeal: Carefully examine the user's submission, including their explanation and evidence of any mitigating circumstances.
  • Consider the violation: Assess the nature and severity of the ban-triggering violation.
  • Check the user's history: Review the user's violation history to gauge their pattern of behavior.
  • Consult with other moderators: If necessary, consult with other moderators for their perspectives and insights.
  • Make a decision: Based on the above factors, determine whether to uphold or overturn the ban.
  • Communicate the decision: Inform the user of your decision and provide an explanation for it.
